Saturday, January 30, 2010

It's a Girl

So we went yesterday to our gender ultrasound and found out we are having our first baby girl! We had the boys with us too, Sawyer the youngest didn't have a clue what was going on. But I think Brodie,who is 5; understands about the baby in mommy's belly. I'm so excited! It's funny too because my dh' s parents had two boys and when a girl too.

I've already started knitting a pair of Baby leggings for her too! I'm using Knit Picks Felici in Mixed Berries. Which I have had for a long time now. I was going to sale it or trade it but once I got preggo with this girl, I thought I would keep it around just in case the baby was a girl. Well, that worked out well! I need more girly yarn, I don't have alot, since we have 2 boys and I barely knit anything for myself. Now I just need some money to buy some.

We really don't have a clue on her name yet. But I like Lucy, River and Rory. With the boys we used family names for their middle names. Brodie's middle name is my father-in-laws middle name and Sawyer's is three of our grandfather's names. My mom's middle name is Gail, so we may use that. Or my great grandmother's which is Rose. We still have another 4 or so months to figure it out!


Mommyto3andahusky said...

I like Rory and Lucy! :) Congratulations! So happy for you!

Knit~It~Good said...

Rory will be her nick name, and Lorelai will her full name. Lorelai Rose/Gail Scanlan? Dh really wants it but I don't know yet!